2023-24 (p1-p6)

Cultural and Extra-curricular Activities in 2023/2024

There are 18 rotating groups and 6 non-rotating groups. Rotating groups are conducted by teachers and tutors. There are 2 sessions for each rotating group.


Rotating Groups

1.         *Paper Making

2.         Rainbow Calligraphy

3.         *Food Culture in China

4.         Pastel Nagomi Arts

5.         Language Arts

6.         *Chinese Calligraphy

7.         *Paper Cutting

8.         *Chinese Painting

9.         Video Master & Photographer

10.     STEM Activities

11.     Maths Activities

12.     Origami

13.     Rope Skipping

14.     *Chinese Arts

15.     Sand Art

16.     *Chinese Storytelling

17.     Fun with Cantonese

18.     English Wonderland


Non-rotating groups are conducted by experienced tutors and teachers. There are 7 non-rotating groups.

Non-rotating Groups

1        Percussion Band

2        VA Elite

3        STEAM Elite

4        Long jump

5        Social Skills Group

6        Lion Dance
